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last updated: 10-02-2010

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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Girl toys - Boys toys

Our holiday week in Geneva was rough. Thierry was ill and he ate very little: delicious fresh bread and Swiss cheese are so different to what we eat in Holland. That was a turn off! I go to Geneva to eat all sort of food we don't find here and Thierry was miserable only looking at it!! Fortunately, we had lasagna in a restaurant, then it was all ok again. But later meals were also not exactly like at home, even the soup, so it was slowly or painfully going in his mouth. He lost some weight... Also he was in the "No!" mode. Everything was no. No! No! Don't want this, don't want that! No! As soon as we said: "say bye-bye to Geneva" in the plane, he was al exited. At Schiphol, Opa picked us up and Thierry was all happy, smily, and telling all what happend in Geneva. That was what I call: home sick! Well, we definitely need to broader his food type.

Thierry tries to sing. He often asks me to sing for the last 3 weeks. Now he starts singing but it still sounds like talking weird, hahaha

He is also very interested in the time/clock. I explained him each hand how fast it turns and how many minutes it is. We stayed once 15 minutes studying it while we were waiting for Vida to come. How many minutes it passed already and how many minutes still need to come. It was very intense learning! Every time he plays with an alarm clock he manages to set the alarm. And a few hours later (mostely at night of course!!) it goes off. The weatherstation, the runningwatch, his own alarm clock, they all ring once he has played with them. And we always forget to check if the alarm is off after he played with it :-P

Thierry likes touching make up stuff in the shops, he likes playing with dolls and prams, cleaning with his broom and making tea with his tea set. Fortunately, he loves playing with his cars. Finally he can play on his own!!! That was not too soon, I am telling you! Why we didn't give him that garage before?? What I also enjoy a lot is having a conversation with friends while Thierry can play on his own. This is heaven!! Keeping an eye on him, and still chatting with friends. I am living again!

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