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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Happy first birthday!

Just one year old! Wow, we made it so far!! It seems not so long ago Thierry is born, however so much has happened. It makes me so happy to see him happy. And he makes me laugh so much when he is doing the clown. Oh yeah he gets me so tired when he wants to watch tv in stead of going to bed. He does not talk but he knows how to make himself understood. A pointed finger, "aha-aha" and puppy eyes... very explicit!

Thierry does not need the dummy so much. Only in bed and the ritual bit just before. It was about time!

For the last year, I still cannot get confident about food (how much he eats) and sleep (does he sleep enough) and get dressed (is he dressed too warm). It does not seem to get better, maybe these are the topics I will always doubt???

The holiday was great, although Thierry hated it: 10 hours in the car. But it was worth our holiday in Geneva!

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