For the belly aches we switched to baby milk (Nutrilon Omneo), we also gave ABC Dophilus for 10 days. For the painful farts that would wake him up we gave Flatulex. We managed to recognise when he was tired and needed to go to bed right away thanks to Ria Blom and her book Crying and Restlessness in Babies: A Parent's Guide to Natural Sleeping. For falling asleep Marco's cousin Marijn gave us valuable tips, caress his upper torso clockwise while singing a lullaby, or belly if he is not digesting; or caress his head or rock his body gently still laying in his bed also does the trick. For his tantrums when we changed his diaper, Marco's mother offered a chimes, Thierry is so happy to hear its soft high tones that he smiles as soon as he lays there with his legs up!
These 2 long months full of cries and pain are now an old bad memory.
Now Thierry is a happy smiling face to all who bend over his pram. Yep, we have a happy baby!
Labels: Thierry